If anyone has seen my sweet little bunny-loving three year old, would ya let me know?
I mean, yes, I know she's quietly tucked into that cute little white toddler bed in the room next door. But sometimes, I swear an evil twin has replaced this girl, and her sole mission is to see how far she can push me before I give in to her demands, and sit in the bathroom for ten minutes with an Us Weekly because seeing pictures of celebrities pumping their own gas kinda makes everything okay again. (Joking. I've mostly broken myself from that celebrity gossip habit. You're more likely find me eating chocolate chips in the bathroom. Ones that I've dug up from the pantry because ughhhh we gave up candy.)
I'm calling this list: Why I'm Already Afraid of the Middle School Years (Volume l)
1. Her hair is a daily battle. "Are you putting it up or down?!" Oh, and there's also the "updown." Then there's braids. "I don't want two braids. I want THREE braids because I'm THREE years old." Guys...I don't even know how to make that look good.
2. Shoes. That's all I'm going to say (or not say) about that.
3. Oh, this a big one. Imagine asking a tween to come down and do the dishes before calling their friends. (Wait.....is that still a thing? Tweens: ARE YOU CALLING YOUR FRIENDS? On the phone?! Do you just text? Do you even HAVE a phone...I sure didn't at that age. Also: Why are you reading this blog?? Don't you have your mother's Us Weekly to steal and read behind her back?) Okay, back to the dishes. Now imagine them saying, "Ugh...Mmmmmmommmm!" She does that!! Already! "S...it's time to do your hair!" "Ugh...Mmmmmmommmm!"
Now, let me also include another list.
I'm calling it: Why I Know We're Gonna Make it Through Middle School (Volume l)
1. Every night, she makes us tell her that we're best friends. I consider this a verbal agreement and legally binding.
2. She's also told us she doesn't want to go college (sorry...not an option) because she doesn't want to live away from us. This makes me think that maybe she does really like us.
3. And the main reason...she's assured us that she's not going to grow big. Older, yes. But not bigger. I figure if I have a height advantage, she'll respect me more when she's 12.