
Nuna IVVI Stroller...and what we love about it :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

With each passing day, I'm not only noticing my belly getting bigger and bigger, but it's been hitting me how much older my girl is getting. Long gone are the days where we would stay up watching her on the baby monitor as she would often randomly wake up and stare into her dark room without making a sound. Now I have a fully certified little girl with opinions of her own...opinions that she's definitely not afraid to share with us. 

Edamame: yes.
Dogs: no.
Peanut butter and jelly: only on occasion. 
Bunnies: can't get enough of them.

The same goes with J. Just last night, I was singing a song to him, and mentioned how he is still my baby. He quickly corrected me, and said, "But mama! I'm not a baby!" Lately, we've noticed that he's become more attached to his stuffed animals, and often will call them his "childs." Several times a week, he will go as far as put them down for naps; blinds drawn, sound machine on, and his piggy night light set on green. I think this is one of the ways he's getting ready for the new baby. 

We recently received a new stroller and baby cot from Nuna, and the second I put it together, he wanted to put his stuffed animals in! He waited anxiously in the room as I assembled it, which luckily took close to no time at all. I was a little unsure how I'd be able to handle it with the belly in the way, but really, a snap here, a snap there, and it was ready to go. For a second, I kinda felt like superwoman there with all my put-things-together powers :)  

Technically, J is still big enough for it, so he was more than happy to sit in it for its first test run to the playground. It was so chilly outside, that I actually had to convince him to get out of it! (S, of course, needed no convincing because she just loves being outdoors. He (and I) thought it was so fun that it could easily go from forward facing to backwards facing, and I'm already so excited for when we get to use it with the new little guy!

S actually was a big fan of the baby cot attachment. As soon as I took it out of the box, she quickly ran upstairs and said, "Don't go anywhere! I have the perrrrfect thing for it!" She came down with a little pillow for it and proudly said, "See! When the baby comes i'll give him the pillow and he can lay in there! It will be so great!!"

Right now, Nuna is running an awesome deal for Black Friday where they are including the cot for free (!!!) when you purchase an IVVI stroller from! The deal starts tomorrow (11/25) and runs through Monday (11/30). There are so many little things about it that I keep finding. You know when you go, "Ohhh, that's awesome! Oohs I LOVE how it reclines! And the canopy!" Things that I never imagined saying ten years ago!

I tell ya. I really am already dreaming of those days when I can push this little baby along for walks. It goes by so quickly. Too much so.

Oh, and hey there feet! Glad you're still there!

*Thank you, Nuna, for partnering with us! 


Unknown said...

Strollers come with a play tray that's got insets for a water bottle or a juice container. Quite a few have canopies with a vinyl window, allowing you to monitor your little one effortlessly. The brake on the majority of modern strollers are installed on both rear wheels and is simply applied with your foot. A couple of versions also feature a wrist strap brake that's used along with the foot break. learn here

Nicole B said...

This definitely looks like one of the better travel systems out there. I am going to suggest it to anyone I know who is in the market for one.

Jonah said...

Now my daughter is coming up to the age of two we are very much about the strollers when it comes to day-to-day use. This one is a lovely design and looks like it does the job just perfectly. My website

markson said...

A lattice pack or thin 'stroller rucksack' that straps onto the back of the stroller is another kind of stroller embellishment you can buy to help with capacity when you bring long outings with the infant and stroller. best baby stroller 2016

Unknown said...

You are looking very beautiful with your baby. This is a awesome Baby Stroller with combo car seat. Baby car seat is very important for safety.

Anonymous said...

I wanna thanks to a great extent for providing such informative and qualitative material therefore often.

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WWYSWIM said...

This certainly seems as though one of the better travel frameworks out there. I will propose it to anybody I know who is in the market for one.

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