So, you know I usually try to keep things pretty light and positive around here, and I will. But, sometimes, you've just gotta let it out, you know? Writing has become a sort of therapy for me in a way it hasn't before. I promise the next post will have more upbeat stuff and pictures (only about 1/100th make it on here....it's embarrassing.)
It seems like every few months, I go through this mode where I just worry and worry about things that aren't in my control. I fret and worry and worry and fret and it is absolutely exhausting. (And normal. Yes, I do know it's very normal.)
So, here are some things I've been worrying about in list form. Because I do love to list stuff. (Crossing things off a list....well...that's a work in progress.)
Well, without going into too much detail, S has been struggling in an area that she normally really exceeds in. I don't know if it's just a "stage," and Dr. Google tells me it's very common in children her age. But, seeing her struggle is very very very hard. And because I'm aware of this "challenge," I seem to notice it even more every time she does it. It could last a week, months, or maybe she'll grow out of it when she's older.
BUT, I am grateful that I have two very healthy and happy children. My mother in law pointed out that if she does continue with this (small) struggle, there are a lot worse things.
Another thing totally out of my control is that my family is moving. To Hong Kong. I really don't think I need to spell it out further.
I kicked the car door really hard by accident this morning when Pato ran into the street. That was probably in my control, but I figured if I was already complaining, why not throw that in here because it really really hurts.
Starting to blog for a real site, like.....not just this silly little blog space that I have going in here, is really intimidating. I'm so grateful for the opportunity, but I struggle with feeling very self-conscious about my work.
Whew. I feel much better all of a sudden.
ANNNDD, okayyyy. Finnnnne. One more picture because...really.
Pretty sure anatomy is not the biggest difference between J and his sister. It's the fact that he picks up bugs and she doesn't.