
A Quick Plug

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I feel like I've only mentioned on here a couple times about how I blog over at What to Expect. I'm always super (SUPER) intimidated before sending in a piece to my editor and super nervous that it will just be plain awful and everyone will loathe it and people will start rioting in the streets because of it. It's been a real honor to write over there because the What to Expect books permanently resided next to my bed for a solid 2-3 years. But, my most recent post is probably my favorite I've written thus far, and I hope you'll hop over and read it. I'm even making going to make it easy for you.

Did ya like that?

No, really. I don't normally toot my own horn, but in this post I talk about becoming confident in our parenting decisions, strict sleep schedules, and sweet potatoes en lieu of cakes. 

Oh, and about that time S said vagina and nearly gave my mother a heart attack. 

And......maybe one other funny story but I'm going to make you go look.

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