This post is sponsored by Aquaphor Baby. However all opinions are my own.
As a mom of three, I like to think that I know a bit more now than my first time around. After having my first baby, I remember feeling inundated with all the different baby products on the market. What things were absolutely necessary? Would I ever leave my house again without carrying a million things in my bag? Was there a robot out there that could get my baby to sleep the whole night? While I was able to find answers to most of my questions, I never did figure out the robot thing, however—the search continues!
One thing I have always been concerned about protecting was my babies’ skin. My second child, in particular, has always had dry skin, and he gets dry spots if we don’t keep it moisturized. And little Oscar seems to be following suit. Whether it be the cold brisk days of winter, or the heat from summer, caring for baby’s skin is a year-round job.
In comes Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment. We have been using Aquaphor Baby for years, and it was one of the first products we used for our babies because it was already highly trusted by other moms and pediatricians. If you're anything like me, I am always more comfortable trying a product that others already speak highly of. Plus, I like knowing that it is hypoallergenic, fragrance free, and paraben free.
Aquaphor Baby is also something that fits the needs of each of my kids, not just Oscar! While we initially used it to help aid dry and irritated skin, it can also be used for little scratches and scrapes. And we for sure have our fair share of those at our house.
That’s why I carry a small tube of Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment in my bag with me because it does the job of several products, without the hassle of trying to toss in a bunch of things in my bag as I’m rushing to head out the door. It helps with diaper rash, drool rash (you mama’s of teething babies know what I’m talking about!) chafed skin, and soothing those inevitable toddler “owies.” Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment is really helpful if you can't change the diaper often while you’re out and about’
And speaking of things I carry in my bag…
I feel like with each change of season, I’m always having to change what I carry around! Now that the warmer weather has finally decided to stay, I can start taking out the extra pair of gloves and baby sweaters that I’m so used to carrying around. Instead, here is a list of some things I’ve learned to always keep on hand in my bag once spring and summer hit!
Water. With the rising temperatures and more time spent outside, I try to stay in the habit of carrying around a bottle of water with me. It’s so crucial to help them stay hydrated so you don’t end up with really unhappy kids who aren’t feeling well!
Bandages. It’s almost inevitable that at some point, whether at the playground or on the beach or running to get ice cream, your little one will get hurt. Bandages are not always something I think to keep in my bag, but they come so in handy!
Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment. As I mentioned before, I love carrying this around to help soothe any scratches or scrapes that might happen along the way while they’re having fun outdoors.
Extra shirt. I try to carry an extra t-shirt with me for my little guy for several reasons! At his age, he’s all about getting his hands in his food. Which leaves him so sticky! So, I bring an extra clean shirt for him to change into. Plus, I like to have an option for him to change into in case he decides on having an impromptu jaunt through the sprinkler’s with his little buddies.
With all this talk about the warm weather finally arriving, I do have to make a small confession: I’m a total fall and winter girl! I love the cold. So when it came to figuring out things to do with a baby and a toddler, at first I was totally stumped! My idea of a perfect summer day is staying in someplace with an amazing air conditioning system and being far far away from the heat.
But, trying to keep a toddler from wanting to go outside in the summer is not easy! So I had to get a little creative.
Oscar, who is now two, loves going outside to “paint.” Even in the dead of winter, I had to remind him that it was still too cold to go out and do that outside! So, what I do is get different sized plastic containers (I use mixing bowls) and fill them with water. Then, I get four or five paint brushes that are different sizes, and let him paint with water outside to his heart’s content. He loves painting the cement, and when he’s through with that, he usually moves on to trying to “paint” his body. It’s so fun watch.
Another water activity he loves is playing with a regular spray bottle. I will sometimes hand him a spray bottle and tell him to go outside to spray the grass. He is happy as a clam doing that for a good while, and then likes to chase his older siblings with it, too.
One last thing that I’ve found to be a fun activity for little ones is drawing outside with sidewalk chalk. I’ve actually learned to love this more and more recently because it’s an activity that Oscar can do with the big kids. He loves to be included in everything his siblings do, so this is one things activity that can be enjoyed at any age.
So excited to see what fun this spring and summer season brings!
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