
Thursday, March 13, 2014

A real conversation I had with S today:

Me: S, time to get dressed!
S: Okay, mama. Time for a cute outfit!

I then proceed to help her get dressed. 

Me: Now, please sit down so I can do your hair.
S: No pig tails!
Me: I'll just do a topknot. No pigtails. 

I brush her hair back and out it into a topknot.

Me: All done!
S: (touches the top of her head) Oh, no! I need a hairbow!
Me: Okay, okay. I'll put one in. (I then place her hairbow on.)

S: (touches the top of her head again to make sure I had really done it) Thanks, mommy! I go look in the mirror!

She then runs out of her room and faces the full-length mirror in the hall. 

S: (gasps) Perfect! I ready to go now. (Runs to the door and waits for me.)

Sixteen is going to be realllll interesting. 

1 comment:

Anne Hill said...

oh my goodness she is the most adorable!

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