
J: Seventeen Months

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Seventeen months. You all know what that means. One month away from nur-sah-ree. (You have to sing the word "nursery" because it is that glorious.) A little about our Pato from this past month.

He continues to add words to his vocabulary, and it's so fun! I love the talking stage! This last month he has learned to say: apple, waffle, gracias, tickle, pelo, "na" for nariz, socks, clap, bus,  Einstein, color, Dora, papa, pan, and "ready, set, go!"

He is a climber! Loves to climb all over couches and chairs. He has taken a few hard falls, but that doesn't deter him.

He loves to tickle! He says, "tickle, tickle, tickle" and tickles your arm. He sometimes chases S around saying, "tickle, tickle, tickle!" And she runs away yelling, "No, Pato! No tickle me!"

Sleep. He is down to one long nap a day. Nighttime ... bleh. I sometimes think we slept better when he was a newborn. We're working on it. He is an early bird and likes to party around 2 AM. We get some really good nights of sleeping all the way through...and then he changes his mind.

He loves to carry around his "papa." That's his word for the Jones family Christmas card. He carries around this card everywhere (even sleeps with it) and points to his Grammy and Poppy and says, "Papa! Papa!" Over and over again. I've had to use clear tape to tape it all up so it doesn't fall apart.

His hair is getting shaggier and shaggier. "Cut his hair already!" I know!

Everyday C and I look at each other and think how boring our life would be without him!

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