Last week, all our winter dreams finally came true. The kids had only been asking for snow for weeks, and it was finally our turn to get some. The night before Jonas hit our neck of the woods, the kids and I made paper snowflakes together, and they eagerly put them under their pillows. Don't seemed like a fun idea and those kids LOVE putting little trinkets under their pillows.
S was in total heaven as she looked out the window to see everything covered in snow.
So glad I was able to catch that smile. Pure joy, I tell ya!
Superstar dad right there! I could barely pull one, and there he goes showing me up by pulling both. I was fine with him winning the "Fun Parent of Day" award for the day. I'll get you next time, Jonesy.
Snow-beard. I'm predicting that it will be the next big thing this season. And no, I didn't just marry this guy for his looks. But, they certainly helped.
We also took the kids sledding in the woods by our house. It was such a beautiful day. They loved sledding down that hill.
Unfortunately, J suffered from "not-working legs" syndrome, and had to be pulled all the way home. He miraculously recovered when we arrived at our doorstep. I, on the other hand, contracted "my-arms-are-about-to-fall-off" disease.
Also. I should really be hired as writer for Doc McStuffins. My ability to come up with a totally-legit sounding diagnosis is top-notch.
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