
O's year of firsts: bathtime

Saturday, April 16, 2016

It's not surprising, of course, that a baby's first year is full of firsts. As O is very quickly approaching his one-month mark, I am reminded daily of how quickly time flies by. I'd like to do a better job at documenting O's milestones, so here we go...O's Year of Firsts.

His first bath. I feel like I'm always comparing first experiences with the other kids' first experiences. For example...S's first bath. You would've thought we had thrown her in a bucket of pure ice. She screamed and screamed right through it, and for every bath after that for a good month. But then again, she came into the world screaming and hasn't stopped since.

O did cry out at first, and I don't blame him. But he didn't cry for long. He just seemed jittery and unsure. We washed him up and then he zonked right out after we had wrapped him in a towel. And then, of course, I cuddled him and kissed him all over. Get used to it, kid.

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