
Dreaming about bagels

Sunday, April 27, 2014

S has been doing this super awesome thing lately where she wakes up around two in the morning calling out for us. We go in, and we talk about how the sun is still asleep and that it's not time to wake up. Last night, instead of calling out for us, she woke up crying, and talking in her sleep. I quickly ran into her room to hear her saying, "But (sob) I want to go get bagels (sob) with my Daddy and my Pato!" I wanted to laugh because she clearly was dreaming about bagels, and she clearly is my daughter. It took her a while to get back to sleep, and in the process, woke little brother up. (Double whammy...he did not go back to sleep.) Turns out that waking up for the day at 4:30 kind of takes the life out of me. Anyway...breakfast rolled around and she asked for bagels. Now, as I've mentioned countless times before, we don't buy bagels outside of New Jersey, and I'm not about to start. We had English muffins on hand though, and we just told her they were "English bagels." They seemed to do the trick because after finishing it she said, "I love English bagels!"

My dreams of having a daughter that dreams about food like her mama came true.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

How cute is she! And right now an English muffin sounds amazing. I guess I still haven't recovered from fast Sunday. :)

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