
It's okay.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Today I've been off. 

Well, that's not true. I've had a couple of days where my kids could tell you that I've been a less than stellar mama.

I've grinned and smiled till the impatient monster snuck out of me and I was speaking in a tone much louder than I would like. I immediately felt just awful, but was too frustrated to say sorry.

As I sat in the car, trying to choke back the lump in my throat my mom turned to me and said, "It's okay. It's okay."

And she's right. Because at the end of this day, I would say these two are some of the most loved kids I know. I hope most parents could say that. But I love these two with every fiber of my being, and I'm so lucky because they give me do-over after do-over.

So today, after mama put herself in time out for a little bit, I walked back to my kids, and we hugged it out. I promised that I would try to be more patient, and they said, "It's okay, mama. It's okay."

I know at some point in our lives, we become hardened and distrustful. We no longer forgive at the drop of a hat. I hope they can stay that way as long as they can, and when the time comes, learn that forgiving, while hard at times, is so much more easy to carry in your heart than anger.

J's romper c/o June & January

1 comment:

Kelly Ann said...

Love this. I especially needed to hear it today. Xx

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