Before heading back home to VA, we took the kids (and my youngest brother) to Sleepy Hollow. It was fun to explore the cemetery at the Old Dutch church and I think the kids thought it was one giant playground. They loved running around and squeezing in between headstones. We were probably the most irreverent ones there, so I would like to make a public apology on their behalf.
I am so very sorry my kids trampled all over your graves. They sure did enjoy themselves. So...ya know...thanks for that.
American flags were placed next to graves of Revolutionary War veterans.
While the leaves were not at their peak, the weather was crisp enough to make up for the lack of color. I would love to go back again at night someday for the full spooky effect.
I should mention that the headless horseman bridge was a bit of a letdown. Did anyone ever watch the headless horseman episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" Well, let's just say THAT bridge was a lot cooler and Nickelodeon set my expectations way too high. P.S. That show was the bomb. P.S.S "The bomb" is not part of my regular vocabulary but I have to make exceptions for 90's tween shows.

Oh, and if the day couldn't get any better, we got Shake Shack on the way home. I will challenge anyone who says any other burger is better. Because it's not. If I weren't already married I would probably marry a Shackburger. I told my brother to give me his best Shakeshake selfie and I got this. Well, no. I got another one, but this was the best shot. The other one had "too-cool-teenage-boy" written all over it.
what a fun adventure! I've always wanted to go there! I used to love that spooky story when i was little. And yes, if that is the bridge it is sort of a let-down!
They have a really cute downtown that I'm sure you would enjoy but we didn't get to it because we just HAD to make sure we could go to Shake Shack.
Miss you guys already!
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