
Much ado about Mickey

Friday, June 13, 2014

Once upon a time, as in yesterday, we went to Barnes and Noble because it was pouring outside and it's one of our rainy day hangouts. As soon as we got there, we went to the bathroom because little man had pooped. (We returned to the same bathroom an hour later because it wouldn't be a regular day for him without pooping at least three times before lunchtime.) Five minutes before we left, he became extremely attached to a flimsy Mickey Mouse book that I knew wouldn't make it a day at our house. Now, J is very adamant about letting you know what he wants, and he yelled "Mi-mou! Mi-mou!" in the store, and flung himself to the ground. I had at least three or four parents look at me like, "Soo...are you going to do anything?" I was perfectly fine letting him scream on the floor, but I figured it was time to get going anyway. So, yes, he screamed for the next forty minutes. He has never had a tantrum like that.

When we got home, he immediately found a good place to continue his tantrum, and set up base by the garage door. Nice form, don't you think?

Then he realized the the kicking and screaming wasn't enough, so he thought he'd eat his shoe.

As it turns out, tantrum-ing really takes it out of ya.

And he napped happily ever after.

p.s: In completely unrelated (but extremely important) news, I've received word that Mindy Kaling will be coming out with a second book. I'm very excited about this. Mindy! I'm here! Have you found me yet?

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