
Picnic in the park

Monday, June 2, 2014 'bout that blogging every day in May thing? Bam. Nailed it. Not.

I blame it on weekend trips, a bug that went through every member of our family, very few full nights of sleep, and a two-year-old who decided to unleash her inner demon. I have a camera roll full of pictures on my phone, however, so I'll break things down in smaller posts. 

These are from a couple of weeks ago. We are soaking up all our CW time before it gets too hot. Lunch, a blanket and friends make for a perfect afternoon. That, and making my kids play "Run Really Far" to wear them out before naps.

It's a normal parent thing, I think, to often have the feeling that there are way better parents out there than you, and you hope that your kids don't end up scarred. I'm not the craftiest (or even close to second-from-the-craftiest) I'm not the most patient, and I don't know how many times I've let my kids watch Frozen. I'm not hating on Frozen! I do like Frozen. And watching S run around the house singing, "Let it goooo..." with Pato trailing behind yelling, "go goooo!" Gets me every time. Anyway. Then there are times my kids let out big belly laughs and just look so happy that I think, "Okay. I'm not the worst."

And a couple shots of Williamsburg. I never tire of taking pictures of the same buildings. They look different every day.

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