
A fresh year.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"So fill your heart with what's important, and be done with all the rest."

You'd think my first post of the year would be kind of exciting. Full of resolutions, hopes, and reflection. Perhaps recalling some of my favorite moments of the past year and talking about how I've grown from the challenges I've encountered. 

Well, I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to put that kind of pressure on myself. While I do want to take this year to focus on my writing, or perhaps just write more, I want this space to remain a pressure-free zone. 

I recently experienced some harsh comments from others on a post that was picked up a little over a week ago. I recognize that those comments don't matter, but it still left me wondering about why people choose to spend time tearing others down. 


I'm feeling like 2015 is going to be a big year for us. Already we are looking ahead a preschools for S in the fall, and I feel the tides a'movin. Don't even get me started on thinking about her leaving my side multiple times a week. 

For now, I want to take things day by day. Enjoy my family, embrace the quiet (when I can find it) and do my best to be a good wife, a present mother, and the kind of friend I'd like to have. 

And hopefully, being done "...with all the rest." 

*Well, hey. That ended up being a lot more reflective than I thought. Huh! 

1 comment:

Flora and Fauna said...

Love this & love you!! Couldn't agree with you more and haters to the left! xoxo

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