
Happy First Birthday, My Boy!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hi, guy! You are one! A walking, chatting, quacking one-year-old dreamboat.

People often ask, "When did he get so big?" I'll tell you. It happened when I blinked. I blinked, and you went from being a tiny baby that cried like a little duck to a big boy clumsily walking around and spreading happiness everywhere you go.

You are our sweet little guy and were the missing piece to our puzzle. The piece we didn't even know was missing. You have brought more peace, laughter, and happiness to our family than we thought was possible. You are a pure joy to be around and I'm positive the world became a tiny bit brighter when you were born.

I can't wait to see what this next year brings for you. More words. More messes. More experiences. More dancing. More scrapes. More kisses. More joy.

Love you so much, my guy. 


Unknown said...

i've been reading your blog for the entire week now! every single post.
and i love it so much :) im so grateful to have 3 years old kid of my own and i can so relate to your lifestyle.
keep it coming. love to know about your 2 awesome kids

Ummi Nasir

Unknown said...

i've been reading your blog for the entire week now! every single post.
and i love it so much :) im so grateful to have 3 years old kid of my own and i can so relate to your lifestyle.
keep it coming. love to know about your 2 awesome kids

Ummi Nasir

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