
missing remote

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Last night, I spent a solid thirty minutes looking for the Apple TV remote. It is thin and small and the darn thing finds its way into the most random places. I decided I would give up and just hope it would reappear the following morning. 

Around 5 AM I went to nurse J. As I finished and was about to get up to put him back in bed I felt it. Along the side of his body underneath his striped pajamas I felt the long rectangular outline of the remote. I almost laughed out loud and quickly unzipped J's pajamas and removed the remote. 

Add "the inside of my children's clothes" to the growing list of places things go missing. 


Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that is amazing! :-)

Karim Jones said...

I really had to stop myself from laughing when it happened. So many things you have to look forward to!

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