
Turns out, we all really kind of like each other.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I'm almost afraid to say it, but I feel like we've been in a really good groove lately. I think the cold weather and the recent snow has made us stop and slow down more. Probably because just getting the kids strapped in their car seats and getting them in and out of the car while they're both saying that they're soooo cold has really made think, " we realllllly need to leave the house??" Last week, S pretty much forced me to take them grocery shopping because as she said, "Mom. We don't have any food." 

But, the slowness has been so good for us. We've figured out how to enjoy one another without going *totally* stir crazy. There's still some level of crazy there, don't you worry about that. The kids keep learning how to play together better and better and don't need me to constantly tell them what to do.

The other night they were taking turns making funny faces at each other and they were cracking up. I am so glad these two have each other.  

Tonight, after getting up like a dozen times, I decided to lay with S for a bit in her bed. We talked about how much we love each other. I told her I love her more than chocolate, and she told me she loves me more than pink. PINK! Can you believe it? That's high praise. 

We also talked about what each member of our family likes or loves to do. According to her...

Daddy loves books. He likes reading, going to school, eating lunch, and playing. 

Mommy loves giving kisses and hugs. Mommy also loves going places together.

Pato loves her, being silly, and making funny faces. 

That girl really has us figured out, I'd say! 

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