

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Today, we took the kids to The Children's Museum of Virginia in Portsmouth. After being spoiled rotten by all the fun museums in London, we've been itching to get back to one. We all had a blast and are thinking we need to come back again over and over and over.
Brush those teeth!/S loading up her grocery basket with lots of fruit.
This girl was in button heaven.

This thing was adorable. They had a little tot area for younger children, and this was shaped like a giant nest with these huge eggs. Pato was my little baby bird :)
Big girl with her very own drink. (Water. I know, we indulge her too much.)

Afterwards, we walked over to the small outdoor farmer's market. I think I may have figured out how to get her to smile for pictures. I said, "S! Show me your teeth!" In this picture she is saying, "teeeeeth!"

Passed out after our fun day.

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