
Memory Lane: Covent Garden

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Slowly making my way through the rest of our England pictures.

London had a ton of neat activities leading up to Easter. One of them was this giant Easter egg hunt located in Covent Garden. They had over a hundred eggs that had their own theme. Although we missed having an outdoor egg hunt like our friends back in the States, this more than made up for it.

This girl has zero patience for pictures. We have tons of shots just like this one.
Her first macaron experience was from Laduree. We may never go back to other macarons.
Oh, just sitting down.
You can't tell from the pictures, but it started to snow ever so lightly.
Cute thang.

1 comment:

Gage said...

These are so cute! Sometime I'd love to hear about why you were in England, how long, etc. S is freakin cute! And your hair looks great in these photos.

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