Things I Miss...
- Innocent Brand apple juice. We would get this several times a week in London. Liquid crack I tell ya.
- Speaking of apple juice... when I was little my mom would walk me to school, and every morning, we would stop and buy me a Martinelli's apple juice that comes in those apple shaped glass bottles. I loved that. And I miss it.
- Family and friends that I have made that don't live close to me. Thank goodness for cell phones/ texting/ Instagram.
- Sleeping in past 8. Oh, I miss it.
- Sleeping through an entire night without a single waking.
- Taking a nap everyday. Yeah, I used to do that.
- Looking forward to Lost every week. (I don't miss all the confusion that came with it.)
- Not having to pay for health insurance.
- Utah. That place was good to us.
- When Facebook was limited to college students. It's gotten crazy now.
- Playing field hockey. You better believe I'll be brainwashing S into playing.
- No baggage fees.
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