
Memory Lane: Natural History Museum

Friday, May 3, 2013

We did so much while in London, that I feel like I just have to split up our activities into their own posts. I guess that's what happens when you take a million pictures...and you live in an amazing city.

  Either the boy to the left was very interested in S, or he really didn't like her climbing on his bench.

This happened all. The. Time. Ugh. London is NOT the best place to decide to plop down whenever you please.
 Little man had a cold but was still so smiley. Love this boy.
 Love this one, too.

We loved visiting the different museums that London had to offer. The best part is that most of them are all free! We were lucky that our flat was really close to a tube station, and just a 15 min ride from a handful of museums in South Kensington. The Natural History Museum was more interesting for C and me than for S, but she had a blast just running around pushing all the different buttons. Win-win.

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